Best Ways To Make Your Skin Better

Skin Better

Having clear glowing skin Better is a goal for many people. The condition of our skin has a huge impact both on our appearance & self confidence. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to improve the look & feel of your skin no matter your age or skin type. Making small tweaks according to your regular skincare routine. Daily habits can go a long way towards achieving healthy & radiant skin.

Cleanse Gently

Cleansing is crucial for washing away dirt, oil  and impurities that build up on your skin throughout the day. However aggressively scrubbing or using soap that is too harsh can strip your skin of its natural moisture. Leading to dryness, irritation and even oiliness from overproduction. Opt for a mild fragrance-free cleanser without sulphate or alcohol and wash with your hands instead of a rough washcloth. Lukewarm water is ideal and limits cleansing to twice a day.

Moisturize Daily

Immediately after cleansing & apply a moisturizer while your skin is still damp. This helps trap hydration into your skin. Look  best moisturizers with skin replenishing ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, glycerin or shea butter.. For example oil-free gels for oily and combination skin or rich. Buttery creams for very dry skin. Make sure to moisturize every morning and night.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells that dull complexion. It speeds up cell turnover to reveal fresh & glowing skin underneath. Facial scrubs with gentle circular grains or cleansing devices with soft silicone bristles are safe options. Limit exfoliation to 1-2 times per week to prevent irritation. Those with sensitive skin may tolerate chemical exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids better. Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen after exfoliating since it makes your skin more vulnerable to sun damage.

Eat Nutritious Foods

Nutrition powerfully impacts the appearance of skin.  Focus on your diet antioxidant nutrient dense foods like leafy greens, colorful vegetables, berries, avocado, salmon, nut and seeds. Vitamins C, E, A, omega-3 fatty acids & zinc and selenium support collagen production.Protect from free radicals, reduce inflammation and keep skin cells healthy. Avoid inflammatory foods like refined carbs, sugars and processed foods which can accelerate aging. Staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome also benefits skin.

Stay Hydrated

Skin Better

Dehydration manifests as dull & dry looking skin. Stave off dehydration by drinking plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses daily. Infusing water with fruits like lemon, lime, cucumber or mint adds flavor plus skin-nourishing electrolytes, vitamins and antioxidants. Limit intake of sugary, carbonated and caffeinated drinks which have diuretic effects. Undermine skin health when consumed excessively.

Protect From Sun Exposure

Cumulative sun exposure is the #1 factor that accelerates skin ageing. UV radiation generates cell-damaging free radicals that break down collagen and elastin causing sagging skin, wrinkles and dark spots over time. Always apply and reapply a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when going outdoors even on cloudy days. Wear protective clothing and avoid prolonged sun exposure during peak hours. Using retinol at night boosts collagen production and offsets some UV damage.

Manage Stress Levels

Our skin mirrors inner health. Higher long term stress levels disrupt hormone balance, physiological processes and impair skin barrier function. This manifests as increased sensitivity, acne breakouts, eczema flares, dullness and impaired wound healing. Adopt relaxation practices like meditation, yoga, deep breathing and journaling to calm daily anxiety and worries. Get good sleep, make time for enjoyable hobbies and connect with supportive friends and family. Consider an evening skincare routine as therapeutic self-care to buffer stress.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. During deep REM cycles skin repairs itself. Restores pH balance and regulates oil production. Lack of sleep prevents these rejuvenating processes. Skin appears dull, eyes look tired and dark undereye circles emerge after continued sleep deprivation. Establish a consistent sleep schedule. Limit blue light exposure in the evenings and create cooling. Completely dark sleep environment to optimize skin renewal overnight.

Avoid Unhealthy Habits

Cigarette smoke directly introduces cell damaging free radicals. Nicotine also impairs microcirculation in skin tissue leading to nutrient deficiency. Collagen breakdown and tissue thinning. This accelerates fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone associated with premature skin ageing. Limit alcohol which dehydrates skin and smoking which constricts blood vessels. Overconsumption also creates oxidative stress and inflammation with negative effects on skin.

See a Dermatologist if Needed

Occasionally skin conditions like acne, eczema and melasma do not sufficiently improve with over-the-counter routines alone. Especially if you have a background of severe symptoms. Seeking professional guidance can help get relief, avoid lasting pigmentation and scarring which may otherwise develop. A dermatologist has medical training to assess your skin. Identify underlying causes which provide prescription strength treatments. If warranted and tailor an effective solution regimen specific to your unique skin health needs.


Achieving your best looking skin involves consistently. Practicing both proactive daily skincare and optimizing whole body health simultaneously. Gentle cleansing balanced by thorough moisturizing primes skin to stay hydrated, supple and glowy. Exfoliation and sun protection prevent damage while a nutritious anti-inflammatory diet. Stress management and adequate sleep enable natural renewal processes. Avoiding unhealthy habits also pays dividends long-term. With this complete approach your skin will look and feel its very best at any age.


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